
Monday, March 18, 2013

Cyprus Banks crazy way of thinking.

Wow. Cyprus Bank is taxing the depositors. The ECB is a sister to the Federal Reserve. They can deny the banks money. You know what that mean? They can literally destroy every economy that is Central Banking. That could happen in the U.S. just as simply as it is happening in the Cyprus. People are crazy to think that type of situation happening here is not right in the head. ECB controls the money to little banks. If you don't have money in the bank, you have no money at all. No cash, no credit, nothing. If you have money in the Bank, they can deny you from getting it, just as simple as closing a bank. Businesses that bank with that bank have lost all its money to continue a business. They closed the bank...where are you going to get that money? There is not money in your account that no longer exist.

Close a bank, lose your money, your business, and your way of life!

The Federal Reserve and ECB continue to create chaos in the governments around the world, just to implement a reason to make the world a one global government. Those who control the money control the world. Don't lose your lifestyle to people who control what you do. If you don't have money to pay, you have no workers to work.

Worldwide Multimedia Management can revolutionize the world if you give it a chance. We need your support to get this company off the ground. Tell everyone you know that a solution will come if you help it. Don't give up without fighting.

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