
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Netflix needs a business model to help with its streaming aspect.

Ah...the future of Netflix is taking a turn. They lack the need to fix a problem with not worrying about the problem at all. Netflix licensing fees are killing the Netflix revenue. They pay for the content from the manufacturers and they pay for bits going across the web to devices. They are thinking about putting commercials into the mix. That is just going to make Netflix into HULU plus. The commercials aspect is a nice touch, but not towards the revenue of Netflix. It should go to the revenue of the Manufacturers. It is their media that the commercials in going on so it is their profit that they will make from these commercials. So then Netflix is back to where it began. Losing money and spending more.


Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus and iTunes are going to die from massive media meltdown. You are spending more than you make. There are not a lot of people working in the first place so you already have a limited number of subscribers. You streaming companies are just thinking about your pockets. How can I make more money from this? You are doing downstream without a paddle really fast.

If you want an answer to this predicament, you are going to need to sign and NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT with Worldwide Multimedia Management.

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